
Exchange between the Chinese and German partners on current research topics
In September 2021, another online workshop was organized by the SIGN2 project coordination, in which a total of 30 partners from Chinese and German research institutions participated...
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Sampling campaign with the Inge pilot plant
Since the global pandemic situation did not allow a travel to China in order to install and sample the dense ultrafiltration membrane already tested on a pilot scale in 2020 at a site in Wujiang, another pilot campaign was organized at a German model site. The SIGN2 sampling team,...
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Exchange between Chinese and German partners during the Corona pandemic
Since March 2020, the Corona pandemic has not only hampered the practical work of the collaborating partners in the SIGN2 consortium, but initially also strongly influenced the exchange between German and Chinese partners. To refresh the scientific cooperation and interdisciplinary expertise within the SIGN2 project,...
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SIGN2 overcomes its challenges during Corona pandemic
In times of social distancing, important meetings need to transition to an online format and field trips may need to be delayed. Therefore, the SIGN2 partners change from physical to digital meetings...
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Fourth sampling campaign: Sampling of the Inge pilot plant
Within the scope of the SIGN2 project, membrane modules from the company Inge were coated...
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Special Issue Taihu (China)
Within the framework of the research activities of SIGN and SIGN2, a special issue was published in the journal "Science of the total Environment"...
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Scientific exchange between German partners and the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Wuhan
At the same time as chancellor Merkel's visit, a small group of the SIGN2 consortium (RWTH Aachen, TZW, IWW, KIT) visited the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Wuhan...
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Strengthen cooperation by signing further cooperation agreements with the Hua Yan Water (Suzhou) and Shaoxing City Water Industry
The cooperation basis of the SIGN2 project with Chinese water suppliers was further strengthened by the signing of two cooperation agreements...
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Conferences of the German and Chinese Partner in China
After the third sampling campaign, several meetings of the German and Chinese partners in China took place in September...
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Third sampling campaign at Taihu in SIGN-2
SIGN-2 项目于太湖开展第三次采样活动
Within the third sampling campaign of the SIGN2 project, the measurement series at the Taihu of KIT colleagues were successfully continued with the newly installed monitoring technologies...
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29.05. - 02.06.2019
Strengthening the partnership with Suzhou City Water and Hua Yan Water through visit of a delegation to Germany
A mixed delegation from Suzhou City Water and Hua Yan Water visited some of the German project partners in May 2019. As part of an intensive program,...
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Second sampling campaign at Taihu in SIGN2
SIGN2 于太湖开展第二次采样活动
Three waterworks in Wujiang and Suzhou were sampled during the second sampling campaign of the SIGN2 project. For the first time, the group, consisting of partners from IWW, TZW, KIT, and RWTH Aachen University,...
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14.11. – 03.12.2018
First sampling campaign in SIGN-2 at Taihu
SIGN-2 项目在太湖开展初次采样工作
The first sampling campaign in SIGN-2 took place at two waterworks in Wujiang and Suzhou City. IWW, TZW and RWTH Aachen took water samples. In order to be able to reproduce the elimination performance during the water treatment steps the sampling was carried out taking into account the residence times...
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Suzhou Water Conservancy visits the TZW in Karlsruhe
In December 2018, a six-member delegation from the Suzhou Water Conservancy Bureau in Suzhou, China, visited the DVGW-Technologiezentrum Wasser (German Water Centre) (TZW) in Karlsruhe...
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19. - 20.09.2018
Kick-off meeting in Karlsruhe to launch SIGN-2
SIGN-2 项目于卡尔斯鲁厄举行启动仪式
The SIGN project entered its second phase in late summer 2018 in order to expand and deepen the promising research as well as the successful German-Chinese cooperation from SIGN. With SIGN-2, the slightly modified network of 13 German project partners, together with the Chinese partners,...
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20. - 21.12.2017
Scientific exchange between TZW and the Shanghai Academy of Environmental Science
The TZW (TZW) was pleased to welcome Dr. HU Shuangqing and colleagues from the Research Institute for Environmental Health and Rural Ecology of the Shanghai Academy of Environmental Sciences in Karlsruhe...
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